Sunday, 2 May 2010

Lovely Raffle

Way back when in the dark ages, (or the early 1990’s as it is sometimes known) I lived on an island in the inner Hebrides called Islay. For the first couple of years we lived in a farmhouse on a working farm. One year at lambing season there were some lambs whose mothers died and they needed to be hand reared. My sister and I had two lambs each and we bottle fed them every day before and after school. My lambs were called Mikey and Butter. Mikey was named after the kid from The Goonies and Butter used to butt when sucking from the bottle. They were meat lambs and the time came when they got sent for slaughter. I was left with no lambs, £30 and a determined commitment to vegetarianism.

Anyway, that long and pretty rambling story leads me on to this…

I noticed one day on twitter that someone called lovelyolive was trying to raise some money to rescue some sheep, some of which have lambed. I had never heard of lovelyolive aka Tracy before, nor had I read her lovely blog cupcakesathome. However, how could I not offer to help when these little sheepies tugged at my heart so? This is the post I read.

I emailed her and offered her something to raffle and it seems that lots of other crafty types did the same (we are a lovely lot I have often said!) and so now lovelyolive is having a lovely raffle to raise funds.

So, this is what I have made for the raffle – a pair of fingerless mittens in a denim blue cashmerino yarn.

I have tried to add a button to my blog over there on the left, but I think I copied the code wrong so for now use the link above and I will try to fix the button.

Prizes will be arriving over the next few weeks and will be photographed and added to the site, so keep checking back and don't forget to buy a ticket or two.

1 comment:

  1. oh my... you are so wonderful x
    your post has me in tears .... and now i know you are a vegetarian i like you even more :)
    the mittens are so pretty - a great addition to the raffle.. we are still waiting for Everyclick to finalise the purchasing of tickets x
    speak soon
    t x
